Modelsim Viewer License Problem
Regards Gaurav. First of all I must note that I don’t use the XE version of Modelsim. I use the SE but I think that there will be very little differences as license concerns (if this is not true then somebody else must help you).
I installed license for 5.6g in Modelsim XE starter in my friends laptop and it works fine! Whz the possible problem wid 6.2?? I have Vista on my laptop. Altera ModelSim Starter edition license error. When I try to run ModelSim, it complains with 'Fatal License Error' saying it is unable to. Not a problem.
The mgcld daemon included with the Quartus ® II software version 6.0 in win is version 8.2, which is too old. The correct daemon is provided beginning with the Quartus II software version 6.1.
No, the evaluation license does not include the security feature. What is the feature line in a subscription license file that indicates whether the encryption generation is active? When the encryption generation is active, you can find 'FEATURE quartus_nonvolatile_encryption' in the license file. Is encryption included in a subscription license?

A. To purchase Intel FPGA software online, visit the page. After the license order is placed, the license will be process and available in the Self-Service Licensing Center within 2-7 days. An email notification will be send out to user when the process has completed. For more information on buying online, please refer to the page or kindly contact. Manage Product Licenses • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1.
The Intel FPGA T-Guard or dongle is treated like a fixed node computer on the page. You can select one or more products on the Create New Licenses page and then Create New Computer using the T-Guard or dongle number as the ID. The primary computer type on the Create New Computer page must be selected as 'Guard ID'. I bought a development kit that comes together with an Intel Quartus development software license. How do I activate my license? The development kit comes with a serial number that is stated either on the box or a customer letter. This serial number serves as a license activation code to activate your Intel Quartus development software license via the.
Another way to look this up is to select the product license on the page and view product details. In the license expiration field, you'll either see a specific date or it will be blank. Blank means the license is perpetual with no license expiration. What happens when my maintenance expires?
# ** FATAL ERROR: ModelSim PE Student Edition licensing failure due to one or more problems with the license key such as: # - it is not found # - it has expired # - it is not for this user # - it is not for this computer # - it is not for this version of ModelSim PE Student Edition. # # Please go to and download an updated copy of the ModelSim PE Student Edition. # Error loading design vsim work.counter # vsim work.counter # Error loading design vsim work.test_counter.
How do I know which software my license enables? You can see which software your license enables by checking the header at the top of your license file. The header outlines the type of license, the license expiration date (if applicable), and all products included in the license file. For more information, refer to the. What version of software and IP does my license support? Intel uses the maintenance expiration date to indicate which versions of Intel Quartus development software and IP core can be used. All versions of the product released prior to the maintenance expiration date can be used.
• If you need to re-install the software on a computer, you are encouraged to download the latest release and corresponding license file. • If for any reason you need a new license file - you must go through the entire process of download, installation and license request. Additional Information: Student Resources ModelSim Product Demo You will learn the basics about simulation and how to simulate with projects.
All coverage information is stored in the Unified Coverage DataBase (UCDB), which is used to collect and manage all coverage information in a highly efficient database. Coverage utilities that analyze code coverage data, such as merging and test ranking, are available. Coverage results can be viewed interactively, post-simulation, or after a merge of multiple simulation runs. Code coverage metrics can be reported by instance or by design unit, providing flexibility in managing coverage data. The coverage types supported include.
A listing of all Intel Quartus development software releases and their release dates can be found on our website. I need to obtain a MAX+PLUS II software license.
Race conditions, delta, and event activity can be analyzed in the list and wave windows. User-defined enumeration values can be easily defined for quicker understanding of simulation results. For improved debug productivity, ModelSim also has graphical and textual dataflow capabilities.
You will learn how to work with multiple libraries and debug with the Dataflow window and view simulation waveforms in the Wave window. Finally, you will analyze simulation results with Waveform Compare.
How do I know when / if my license expires? There are two types of expiration: maintenance and license. Maintenance expiration only controls which versions of a product can be used. The license expiration determines whether the product stops working entirely. License files issued on or after July 5, 2010 have a header at the top of the file. The header indicates the type of license and states whether there is a license expiration or not. If yes, the date is provided for each product in the license.
Kingdom hearts 2 download torrent. You can view your licenses, assign them to machines, and get a license by visiting the page. I just bought a software subscription and/or an IP core license and received an email. How do I get my license?
This is an automated process. We are unable to manually generate a license file for you.
What should I do when my license expires? Evaluation and other types of licenses have an expiration date. If you have one of these licenses and pass the expiration date, the product will stop working. Purchasing a full software or IP core license will give you a perpetual license with no license expiration date. If you are using the MAX+PLUS ® II BASELINE software, you can request a new license file at the Intel FPGA Software Licensing web page.
I just downloaded the student edition version 10.3c and was able to successfully install, request license, receive license and simulate the verilog counter example. I have a feeling that there is something in your system configuration that is blocking your installation and license request. You might try turning off your anti-virus software during the installation and license request phase to see if that is what's effecting you.
Yes, encryption is included for new subscription license. We include it as a standard option towards the end of 2011. Why doesn't my companion license work for ModelSim-Intel FPGA Edition software? Currently, Intel does not support companion licensing for ModelSim-Intel FPGA software. Please refer to the of the Intel Quartus Prime Handbook. Do I need to purchase an Intel FPGA IP license if I use IP with the Intel Quartus Prime Lite Edition or previous lite versions of Intel Quartus development software? Yes, you will need to purchase the Intel FPGA IP license if you wish to use it with the Intel Quartus Prime Lite Edition or previous lite versions of the Intel Quartus development software.
• You must agree to the Mentor Graphics End-User License agreement during installation to continue. • Complete the License Request Form • At the end of the installation process, select Finish and a browser window will open with the License Request form Please note - clicking on an existing license request link from your browser bookmark or from a link posted on the web - WILL NOT WORK. • Complete the all of the form fields with attention to the email address field and submit the license request form. • Once your request has been received the ModelSim PE Student Edition license file will be generated, matched to your host computer and will be emailed to you along with license installation instructions.
How many times can I transfer a product license? The number of available rehosts is tracked on the page for each software and IP product. It is provided in the last column of the table in the Create New License section. If you run out of available rehosts and still need to transfer a product license, please raise a service request through. I need to use an old version of Intel Quartus development software. Where can I get a license? You do not need a new license file to use the older version of software as long as the version you want to use was released prior to the product's maintenance expiration date.
The security feature can be requested from Intel by filing a request through. How do I merge my new license file with my existing one?
Roy Kravitz 25/6/2015, 12:55 น.
Hi Thanks for your post. Under Help --> About --> License the license which is locally activated on your device will be displayed. Since the TeamViewer licenses for version 13 are exclusivly activated on the TeamViewer accounts, you might see 'free' or 'trial expired' here. No worries if you are having a license for TeamViewer 13: The only relevant information for your license is stated under Account license.
To use the ModelSim-Altera software version 6.1d, you should use version 9.5 of the mgcld daemon included with the ModelSim-Altera software version 6.1d. The mgcld daemon is in.
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Attention, Internet Explorer User Announcement: Jive has discontinued support for Internet Explorer 7 and below. In order to provide the best platform for continued innovation, Jive no longer supports Internet Explorer 7. Jive will not function with this version of Internet Explorer. Please consider upgrading to a more recent version of Internet Explorer, or trying another browser such as Firefox, Safari, or Google Chrome. (Please remember to honor your company's IT policies before installing new software!) • • • •.
Else you can go at the installation folder of the Modelsim (lets say C: ModelsimXE) and then in the win32 folder you will find an exe called diagnose.exe. Alternatively you can use the lmtools.exe. My favorite way is not to use the Licensing Wizard.
We would therefore recommend activating the Business licence only on 'traditional' operating systems (such as Windows 8 or 10). How will you be using TeamViewer? Would it be possible for you to activate the licence on the other side of the connection, on the computers that you will be connecting to? All the best, Katharina.
Additional Information: Installation • the latest ModelSim PE Student Edition • Current Release: 10.4a Please note: You must be logged in as the administrator on the computer you are installing ModelSim PE Student Edition. • Install the Software • After the file downloads completely, double-click on the.exe file to begin the installation process.
This is an automated process. We are unable to manually generate a license file for you. Important Information about your Installation • License files are valid only for the current installation of the software on the computer on which the software is installed.
Also, if you do not see a maintenance expiration date for your license on the page, you must first activate your product software. For further assistance, please contact us. Where can I get a license for the Intel Quartus development software for versions prior to 8.1? You can get a license using the. Where can I get information on the release dates for different Intel Quartus Prime or previous versions of Intel Quartus development software? This information is available on the page. How do I know whether I am purchasing a perpetual or non perpetual license?
A companion license grants license portability to a fixed product license. Each fixed product can be assigned to up to three computers: an office, a lab, and a home computer as long as all are only used by the same person. The license restricts the user to only one computer at a time.
Please refer to (PDF) and contact your local sales for the IP price. Q: How do I purchase a license with netlist encryption capabilities? Please contact our Intel local sales for more purchase information. Q: Do I need a license for Intel FPGA evaluation software or IP?
Attention, Internet Explorer User Announcement: Jive has discontinued support for Internet Explorer 7 and below. In order to provide the best platform for continued innovation, Jive no longer supports Internet Explorer 7. Jive will not function with this version of Internet Explorer. Please consider upgrading to a more recent version of Internet Explorer, or trying another browser such as Firefox, Safari, or Google Chrome. (Please remember to honor your company's IT policies before installing new software!) • • • •.
Evaluation and Getting Started • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1. Do I need a license file to use Intel FPGA software or IP? You need a valid license file to run the following software: • Intel Quartus Prime Pro or Standard Edition software and prior subscription versions of Intel Quartus development software • MAX+PLUS ® II • ModelSim*-Intel FPGA Edition • DSP Builder for Intel FPGAs • Intel FPGA intellectual property (IP) Intel Quartus Prime Lite Edition software, Lite editions of previous Intel Quartus development software, ModelSim-Intel FPGA Starter Edition software, and Intel FPGA IP functions do not require license files. How do I get a license file for Intel FPGA software or IP? You can request a license file by logging on to the new page using your Intel FPGA ID. If you do not already have an Intel FPGA ID, you can register for one on this site. Do I need a license to evaluate Intel FPGA software or IP?
A listing of all software release versions and release dates can be found in our. Intel FPGA IP has been shipping in the combined download with the Intel Quartus development software since version 4.1 was released in July 2004.
To license the ModelSim XE product, please follow these steps: 1)Save the attached file to your hard drive, noting its location. 2)Run the 'Licensing Wizard' program from within the ModelSim XE program group. 3)Using the Licensing Wizard, specify the location of the saved license file. 4)Optionally, allow the Licensing Wizard to Modify your FlexLM environment variable and reboot your machine to complete the license installation process. In order to authorize properly, the license.dat saved file should have in it a single line that begins with 'FEATURE'. However I am unable to find 'licensing wizard' specified by them in Modelsim XE program group.Please tell me where can i find it.Also please suggest me should I go for step 4 which is optional.
Modelsim Viewer License Problem
The email you received has a URL that will take you directly to the page. Simply log in using your Intel FPGA ID and follow the Create New Licenses steps. Am I the only person who can view and obtain licenses? Two user types are assigned to each product license; an adminstrator and a licensed user. If you are the administrator and the license user is shown as 'unassigned' on the page, you are the only person who can view and obtain licenses. If you assign the license to another user, the licensed user can also view and obtain licenses. What is a companion license?
Discussion Group Interact with other users and join the ModelSim Student Edition Discussion Group Digital Systems Textbook Written for an advanced-level course in digital systems design, DIGITAL SYSTEMS DESIGN USING VHDL integrates the use of the industry-standard hardware description language VHDL into the digital design process. Following a review of basic concepts of logic design, the author introduces the basics of VHDL, and then incorporates more coverage of advanced VHDL topics. Rather than simply teach VHDL as a programming language, this book emphasizes the practical use of VHDL in the digital design process.
First of all I must note that I don’t use the XE version of Modelsim. I use the SE but I think that there will be very little differences as license concerns (if this is not true then somebody else must help you). Also you didn’t mention which is your operating system. I will assume that you use Xin XP but if you use something else then this message might not be much of a help. One way to find the licensing wizard is to look at the start menu, under the modelsim XE, and you must find a shortcut along with the main program’s shortcut.
You do not need a license to evaluate the Intel Quartus Prime or prior versions of Intel Quartus development software; the evaluation period is 30 days. A license file is required to evaluate DSP Builder for Intel FPGAs softwares.
Effective Debug Environment The ModelSim debug environment’s broad set of intuitive capabilities for Verilog, VHDL, and SystemC make it the choice for ASIC and FPGA design. ModelSim eases the process of finding design defects with an intelligently engineered debug environment. The ModelSim debug environment efficiently displays design data for analysis and debug of all languages. ModelSim allows many debug and analysis capabilities to be employed post-simulation on saved results, as well as during live simulation runs. For example, the coverage viewer analyzes and annotates source code with code coverage results, including FSM state and transition, statement, expression, branch, and toggle coverage. Signal values can be annotated in the source window and viewed in the waveform viewer, easing debug navigation with hyperlinked navigation between objects and its declaration and between visited files.
Intel Modelsim
Attention, Internet Explorer User Announcement: Jive has discontinued support for Internet Explorer 7 and below. In order to provide the best platform for continued innovation, Jive no longer supports Internet Explorer 7. Jive will not function with this version of Internet Explorer. Please consider upgrading to a more recent version of Internet Explorer, or trying another browser such as Firefox, Safari, or Google Chrome. (Please remember to honor your company's IT policies before installing new software!) • • • •.
Altium Designer Viewer License
In addition to supporting standard HDLs, ModelSim increases design quality and debug productivity. ModelSim’s award-winning Single Kernel Simulator (SKS) technology enables transparent mixing of VHDL and Verilog in one design. Its architecture allows platform-independent compile with the outstanding performance of native compiled code.
Please note - the license.dat file email could get reside in your Spam or Junk mail folder. If you do not receive the email within a few minutes, check your spam folder or email provider. • If you do not receive your license.dat file email - You will need to rerun the installation sequence and request a new license file.