Download Pain Coping Strategies Questionnaire Pdf Free
And Dolan, E. 1986; 24: 49–56 Keefe & Dolan 1986, x Lawson, 1990 Lawson, K.
Request PDF on ResearchGate Assessment of chronic pain coping strategies We made an adaptation of the Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ) to. Create professional online surveys - fast, easy, and free. Online survey software, customer satisfaction. Coping Strategies Questionnaire.
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1990; 43: 195–204 Lawson 1990, x Geisser, 1994 Geisser, M.E. 1994; 10: 98–106 Geisser et al 1994, x Burckhardt, 1997 Burckhardt, C.S. J Muscoskel Pain. 1997; 5: 5–21 Burckhardt et al 1997). Using exploratory factor analysis on an individual item level, two studies obtained a five factor solution ( x Tuttle, 1991 Tuttle, D.H. 1991; 36: 179–188 Tuttle et al 1991, x Swartzman, 1994 Swartzman, L.C. 1994; 57: 311–316 Swartzman et al 1994).
In a recent study on patients with cancer related pain, Utne et al (2009) also showed less factorial variance in the CSQ-R than the original CSQ and recommends the CSQ-R for use in clinical research. Parvathi parameshwara kannada serial actors name. Commentary Monitoring coping strategies is of clinical importance as they have been shown to mediate the influence of pain intensity on functional disability and quality of life (Abbott et al 2010) and to influence the adjustment of pain (Rosenstiel & Keefe 1983).
2009; 25: 391–400 ) Utne et al (2009) also showed less factorial variance in the CSQ-R than the original CSQ and recommends the CSQ-R for use in clinical research. Monitoring coping strategies is of clinical importance as they have been shown to mediate the influence of pain intensity on functional disability and quality of life ( x Abbott, 2010 Abbott AD (2010) Physiotherapy, in press. Abbott et al 2010) and to influence the adjustment of pain ( x Rosenstiel and Keefe, 1983 Rosenstiel, A.K. And Keefe, F.J. 1983; 17: 33–44 Rosenstiel & Keefe 1983). The CSQ has been shown to be valid for use in several different patient groups such as osteoarthritis, knee replacement surgery, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, low back pain, lumbar spine surgery, and even cancer-related pain. The CSQ is a useful clinical tool for the screening of coping styles.
Studies using factor analysis to investigate the underlying dimensions of the 8 CSQ subscales and 2 effectiveness items have frequently reported a three factor solution consisting of 1) cognitive coping and suppression, 2) behavioural activity, and 3) pain control/rational thinking ( x Rosenstiel and Keefe, 1983 Rosenstiel, A.K. And Keefe, F.J. 1983; 17: 33–44 Rosenstiel & Keefe 1983, x Keefe and Dolan, 1986 Keefe, F.J.
• 1.6k Downloads • Abstract Patients with chronic pain need strategies to manage their pain and its impact, also known as coping. Coping is not restricted to one dimension of functioning; it involves virtually every dimension of human functioning: cognitive, affective, behavioral, and physiological. We review the literature on coping strategies for chronic pain, including concept and types of coping (eg, religious, social, psychological), as well as coping-with-pain questionnaires, studies available, other topics of interest, interventions to enhance coping with pain, and future directions in this field.
1983; 17: 33–44 ) Rosenstiel and Keefe (1983) reported the internal consistency for the subscales with Cronbach's alphas ranging from 0.71 to 0.85, except for the increasing pain behaviour subscale which had an internal consistency of 0.28. However, in a sample of 282 CLBP patients, x Jensen and Linton, 1993 Jensen, I.B. And Linton, S.J. Scand J Behav Ther.
1994; 10: 98–106 • • • • • • Jensen and Linton, 1993 Jensen, I.B. And Linton, S.J. Scand J Behav Ther.
1991; 36: 179–188 • • • Utne, 2009 Utne, I. 2009; 25: 391–400 • • • • • • Wilkie and Keefe, 1991 Wilkie, D.J.
This study assessed the validity of active and passive coping dimensions in chronic pain patients (n = 76) using the Coping Strategies Questionnaire and the Vanderbilt Pain Management Inventory. The validity of active and passive coping dimensions was supported; passive coping was strongly related to general psychological distress and depression, and active coping was associated with activity level and was inversely related to psychological distress. In addition., the Coping Strategies Questionnaire was found to be a more psychometrically sound measure of active and passive coping than the Vanderbilt Pain Management Inventory. *Corresponding author: Margaret P. Norris, Department of Psychology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA. Tel.: (409) 845-2507; FAX: (409) 845-4727. (Received 30 May 1995; revised version received 25 August 1995; accepted 31 August 1995.) © Lippincott-Raven Publishers.
Utne I et al (2009) Clin J Pain 25:391-400. Wilkie DJ, Keefe FJ (1991) Clin J Pain 7:29. Allan Abbott Karolinska Institute, Sweden.
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Using exploratory factor analysis on an individual item level, two studies obtained a five factor solution (Tuttle et al 1991, Swartzman et al 1994). Recognising the small samples used in previous studies, item level exploratory factor analysis was performed on the CSQ from a large sample of 965 patients CLBP revealing a six factor solution similar to the subscales originally derived in the CSQ (Robinson et al 1997). Riley and Robinson (1997) compared the five and six factor solutions for the CSQ using linear structural equation modelling.
Description General description: The coping strategy questionnaire (CSQ), (Rosenstiel & Keefe 1983) in its original version consists of 50 items assessing patient self rated use of cognitive and behavioural strategies to cope with pain. It comprises six subscales for cognitive strategies (ignoring pain, reinterpretation of pain, diverting attention, coping self statements, catastrophising, praying/hoping) and two subscales for behavioural strategies (increasing activity levels and increasing pain behaviours).
Swartzman LC et al (1994) Pain 57:311-316. Turner JA et al (2000) Pain 15:115-125. Tuttle DH et al (1991) Pain 36:179-188.
Objective Some studies have found significant relations between both the factor scores and subscales of the Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ) and various measures of adjustment to chronic pain. In their review of the literature on coping with chronic pain, Jensen et al. (Pain 1991; 47:249–83) suggest that conceptual overlap between the subscales may inflate these observed correlations. In the present study, we examine the factor structure of the CSQ sub-scales which reflect coping, excluding the CSQ subscales which measure appraisal or activity. We then examine the relationship between the CSQ factors and subscales and pain adjustment, while controlling for selected variables. Design and Subjects One hundred fifty-two chronic pain patients were administered the CSQ.
Riley JL, Robinson ME (1997) Clin J Pain 13: 156-162. Robinson et al (1997) Clin J Pain 13:43-49. Rosenstiel AK, Keefe FJ (1983) Pain 17:33-44.
And Robinson, M.E. 1997; 13: 156–162 ) Riley and Robinson (1997) compared the five and six factor solutions for the CSQ using linear structural equation modelling. From the results, x Riley and Robinson, 1997 Riley, J.L. And Robinson, M.E. 1997; 13: 156–162 ) Riley and Robinson (1997) recommended a revision of the coping strategy questionnaire (CSQ-R) retaining 27 items from the original CSQ. This included all six items of the catastrophising subscale, five items from each of the ignoring pain and reinterpreting pain sensations subscales, four items from coping self-statements and diverting attention subscales, and three items related to praying factors. In a recent study on patients with cancer related pain, x Utne, 2009 Utne, I.
Seventy-three were also administered the Multidimensional Pain Inventory (MPI). Adjustment to chronic pain was defined based on patients' cluster membership on the MPI and responses to the Interference, Pain Severity, and Negative Affect subscales. Setting Tertiary care center.
From the results, Riley and Robinson (1997) recommended a revision of the coping strategy questionnaire (CSQ-R) retaining 27 items from the original CSQ. This included all six items of the catastrophising subscale, five items from each of the ignoring pain and reinterpreting pain sensations subscales, four items from coping self-statements and diverting attention subscales, and three items related to praying factors.
And Linton, S.J. Scand J Behav Ther. 1993; 22: 139–145 Jensen & Linton 1993). Support exists for the construct validity of the CSQ in chronic pain populations where significant correlations have been shown with questionnaires measuring depression, anxiety, self-efficacy and physical functioning ( x Lawson, 1990 Lawson, K. 1990; 43: 195–204 Lawson et al 1990, x Geisser, 1994 Geisser, M.E.
Burckhardt CS et al (1997) J Muscoskel Pain 5: 5-21. Geisser ME et al (1994) Clin J Pain 10: 98-106.
Conclusion The results suggest that praying/hoping and catastrophizing are related to poorer adjustment to chronic pain, that ability to control and decrease pain are related to better adjustment, and that catastrophizing appears to be a separate construct from depression. The results also suggest that the individual CSQ subscales may have greater utility in terms of examining coping, appraisals, and pain adjustment compared to the composite scores. © Lippincott-Raven Publishers.
And Robinson, M.E. 1997; 13: 156–162 • • • • • • Robinson, 1997 Robinson et al. 1997; 13: 43–49 • • • • • • Rosenstiel and Keefe, 1983 Rosenstiel, A.K. And Keefe, F.J. 1983; 17: 33–44 • • • • • • • Swartzman, 1994 Swartzman, L.C.
The CSQ takes approximately 5 minutes to complete. Reliability and validity: In a sample of 61 patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP), x Rosenstiel and Keefe, 1983 Rosenstiel, A.K. And Keefe, F.J.
Jensen IB, Linton SJ (1993) Scand J Behav Ther22: 139-145. Keefe FJ, Dolan E (1986) Pain 24: 49-56. Lawson K et al (1990) Pain 43: 195-204. Main CJ, Waddell G (1991) Pain 46: 287-298.
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1994; 57: 311–316 • • • • • • • Turner, 2000 Turner, J.A. 2000; 15: 115–125 • • • • • • • Tuttle, 1991 Tuttle, D.H.
1993; 22: 139–145 ) Jensen and Linton (1993) showed that all 8 subscales of the CSQ Swedish version have an internal consistency ranging from 0.69 to 0.84. Similarly, in patients with lung cancer, the CSQ subscales have shown good internal consistency with Cronbach's alphas ranging from 0.60 to 0.90 ( x Wilkie and Keefe, 1991 Wilkie, D.J. And Keefe, F.J. 1991; 7: 29 Wilkie & Keefe 1991). Test-retest reliability for a 1 day interval has been reported to range between 0.68 and 0.91 ( x Main and Waddell, 1991 Main, C.J.
The CSQ has been shown to be valid for use in several different patient groups such as osteoarthritis, knee replacement surgery, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, low back pain, lumbar spine surgery, and even cancer-related pain. The CSQ is a useful clinical tool for the screening of coping styles. It provides information for patients and clinicians on the efficacy of coping strategies and those strategies needing addressing to help facilitate pain control and mediate improvement of functional outcomes. Data on the CSQ-R sensitivity of change is lacking. More research using the CSQ-R is needed to improve the questionnaire's validity as an outcome measure and provide more extensive normative data. References Abbott AD (2010) Physiotherapy, in press.
Each coping strategy subscale consists of six items measured with a numerical rating scale ranging from 0 (never do that) to 6 (always do that) indicating how frequently the strategy is used to cope with pain. Each subscale has a maximum score of 36 and a minimum score of 0. An additional two single item questions each with a scoring range of 0-6 are used as effectiveness ratings of control over pain and ability to decrease pain.

Pain Coping Strategies Questionnaire
Recognising the small samples used in previous studies, item level exploratory factor analysis was performed on the CSQ from a large sample of 965 patients CLBP revealing a six factor solution similar to the subscales originally derived in the CSQ ( x Robinson, 1997 Robinson et al. 1997; 13: 43–49 Robinson et al 1997). X Riley and Robinson, 1997 Riley, J.L.
What if I'm on a computer that I share with others? If you're using a public computer or you share this computer with others, we recommend that you uncheck the 'Remember me' box. What does 'Remember me' mean?
Results Multiple regression analyses revealed that the Pain Avoidance factor was positively related to pain severity, interference, and MPI cluster membership. In addition, the catastrophizing subscale was positively related to negative affect and MPI cluster membership even when controlling for level of depression, ability to decrease pain was related to lower levels of pain severity, and ability to control pain was related to MPI cluster membership. Neither the Conscious Cognitive Coping factor nor the Increasing Activities subscale was related to the adjustment measures. Follow-up analyses revealed that the Praying/Hoping subscale appeared to account for the relationship between pain avoidance and adjustment.
The CSQ takes approximately 5 minutes to complete. Reliability and validity: In a sample of 61 patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP), Rosenstiel and Keefe (1983) reported the internal consistency for the subscales with Cronbach's alphas ranging from 0.71 to 0.85, except for the increasing pain behaviour subscale which had an internal consistency of 0.28. However, in a sample of 282 CLBP patients, Jensen and Linton (1993) showed that all 8 subscales of the CSQ Swedish version have an internal consistency ranging from 0.69 to 0.84. Similarly, in patients with lung cancer, the CSQ subscales have shown good internal consistency with Cronbach's alphas ranging from 0.60 to 0.90 (Wilkie & Keefe 1991). Test-retest reliability for a 1 day interval has been reported to range between 0.68 and 0.91 (Main & Waddell 1991), 0.48-0.71 for a 1 week interval and 0.58-0.84 for a 5 week interval (Jensen & Linton 1993). Support exists for the construct validity of the CSQ in chronic pain populations where significant correlations have been shown with questionnaires measuring depression, anxiety, self-efficacy and physical functioning (Lawson et al 1990, Geisser et al 1994, Swartzman et al 1994, Burckhardt et al 1997). Studies using factor analysis to investigate the underlying dimensions of the 8 CSQ subscales and 2 effectiveness items have frequently reported a three factor solution consisting of 1) cognitive coping and suppression, 2) behavioural activity, and 3) pain control/rational thinking (Rosenstiel & Keefe 1983, Keefe & Dolan 1986, Lawson 1990, Geisser et al 1994, Burckhardt et al 1997).
Coping Strategies For Stress
And Waddell, G. 1991; 46: 287–298 Main & Waddell 1991), 0.48–0.71 for a 1 week interval and 0.58–0.84 for a 5 week interval ( x Jensen and Linton, 1993 Jensen, I.B.
General description: The coping strategy questionnaire (CSQ), ( x Rosenstiel and Keefe, 1983 Rosenstiel, A.K. And Keefe, F.J. 1983; 17: 33–44 Rosenstiel & Keefe 1983) in its original version consists of 50 items assessing patient self rated use of cognitive and behavioural strategies to cope with pain. It comprises six subscales for cognitive strategies (ignoring pain, reinterpretation of pain, diverting attention, coping self statements, catastrophising, praying/hoping) and two subscales for behavioural strategies (increasing activity levels and increasing pain behaviours). Each coping strategy subscale consists of six items measured with a numerical rating scale ranging from 0 (never do that) to 6 (always do that) indicating how frequently the strategy is used to cope with pain. Each subscale has a maximum score of 36 and a minimum score of 0. An additional two single item questions each with a scoring range of 0–6 are used as effectiveness ratings of control over pain and ability to decrease pain.