Astro Byond Software Update Error
If you own a Byond Mi2 smartphone and want to Install Stock Rom or Firmware on it to unbrick or fix bootloop issue then you can. Software error, update error. Known Byond.exe error. Of a system file is when it comes through an application update or from the. The new hardware or software may resolve.
Sekarang anda sudah boleh menonton siaran anda seperti biasa. OK selamat mencoba.:D. Call je astro di. Tekan 1 untuk bahasa.
You can try this on animal planet as well. It reduces my screen to such a small size.letterbox plus pillar box.
That makes it older than my 'old' Astro Byond decoder which I received in 2012, and was actually manufactured that very year. Astro assured me that it would work just as well, and if anything went wrong, they would replace it FOC. When I started it up though, I noticed that it had a very old firmware - v1.2S. And despite Astro's assurances, the decoder didn't work.
Pay the stupid penalty, and get on with ur lives (that my plan anyway). Astro has been pulling a lot of crap these past years.Boxoffice suddenly started sucking. Then Kirana was removed now aruna. Now this stupid stunt. Correct me if i am wrong.
ED#146: How To Update The Firmware Of Your Astro Byond Decoder I recently signed up for a new Astro Byond subscription for. When they installed the dish and decoder, I noticed that the decoder they gave me was manufactured way back in 2010. That makes it older than my 'old' Astro Byond decoder which I received in 2012, and was actually manufactured that very year.
-> What the hell man? I get a plastic border (the tv shell) and also an on screen border and the show is freakishly small. Edit: And before any smart alec's start telling me to go zoom on such channels. I did that already and when i do. The subtitles get knocked off the screen (because they are in the letter box border.
Mentioned normally people send audio and video to tv, then from tv send stereo sound to av receiver. I have give up to her after so many time explained.
We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. Yours sincerely, Muhammad Jan Rawi Associate Correspondence and Operations Customer Contact Centre. The problem is, pillar box is supposed to be the real way to watch SD.
It will spread rumours and be chaotic to handle So lets just wait and have an element of surprise when we get the new info on HD channels. Anyways, there is no guarantee that the new HD channels will be available in ur subscription Imagine a new HD channel for Dynasty package or Metro package or Variety package I dont have the package so i wont get So even if u are demanding it now and astro does launch new HD channel, tough luck u might not even get it.
The channels as I know are History Channel (CH555) and HBO (411). But Astro purposely add letterbox on top and buttom to show a 4:3 letterbox image. Astro did a very 'good' job, eh?
So rather that you guys hentam or kasi cukup cukup or complain or marah or kasi ajar, it s better to be polite coz firstly its good manners and secondly you have not paid a single cent yet to them.lets be fair. Come april, first bill and if there are still issue to be resolved.its your money and your table mates. Until then, lets be fair.
We regret any inconvenience caused and once again, thank you for being our customer. Best regards, Jasmin Aksan Assistant Vice President Service Recovery Unit Customer Service Division i just got 2 email from astro with same content, they wrote my name and account number, they said sorry to me and told me they will replace the 'stretch' mode by the end of this week. I just would like to know is it all b.yond users here also received the mail, or it is because my complaint to mcmc? By the way, i really happy with the feedback from astro, they promise we can watch in full screen mode latest by this week! This post has been edited by twL: Mar 16 2010, 04:03 PM. Regarding new HD channels, I don't think the World Cup can be considered channels Yes I know the World Cup has 5 channels set But it is merely because some matches will take place at the same time Astro will show all 64 matches LIVE so thats the reason for extra channels I also think the total might be more or less than 5 The last World Cup had 8 channels.they had different camera angles of the matches on the 8 channels. I also remember a channel for chat and news So what I'm trying to say is the World Cup channels will be temporary only So I dont think Astro consider that as a channel I do believe new HD channels will be made available this year.
Any help you can render is greatly appreciated! Questions & Comments If you have a question or comment on this editorial, please feel free to post them! Date Revision Revision History 1.0 Initial Release.
• If you succeed, the LCD display will announce ' AUto-uPdAtE', followed by a number showing the progress of the updating process. If you did it wrong, the decoder will complete booting and show the system time.
I did that already and when i do. The subtitles get knocked off the screen (because they are in the letter box border.
For High-Definition content, the new software displays the image in its wide-screen format; for standard definition content, the image displays in pillar box mode (with two black bars at the sides) to retain its original proportion and resolution for optimum picture quality. Following customers' feedback after the software update download, we hear your preference and are working with our software partners to provide feasible viewing options. By the end of this week, we will replace the “Zoom” option with the “Fit to Screen” option for our customers who prefer to view Standard Definition content in full screen. To do this, customers can press the aspect ratio button on their Astro B.yond remote control. However, for the correct proportions and best resolution, Astro recommends that Standard Definition content be viewed via the pillar box mode. Astro regrets any inconvenience caused as it strives to improve its customer experience.
Switch to AV cable seems to be a stupid solution for just some channels This post has been edited by akubeejays: Mar 15 2010, 12:12 PM. After using pillarbox for 2 days. I am starting to begin to accept it.
If I go bought a new hdmi avr then the problem still exist then how? Who gonna pay for the loss? Bro so u output all signal to your avr through hdmi? Hi fubar thks for your link, I have read it before for few times, so that it mention both HDMI and coaxial or optical is all work for Digital Sound. Pls understanding my issue is: the digital sound have noise at most the HD channel. Rad studio 10.2.3 keygen. So that is looking for someone have that knowledge to solve the issue.
Pastu tekan teknikal. Soh cs dia auto update decoder remotely. Mesti guna remote beyond. Takda x jadi.
If you stretch from TV, everytime you have to switch input in order to have full screen. Byond user here previously just need to set the stretch mode, then it doesn't matter they switch from SD to HD channel, they always get the full screen display on their HDTV instead of have to switch input everytime. User here only requested to re-instate back the stretch function on top of zoom and pillarbox option. It shouldn't be too difficult unless they engineers at Astro are less than capable!
Pillar/box and zoom option have rendered it useless. While i am beginning to be ok with using pillar box for some channels. Its not a full blown solution for all channels. IT LOOKS REALLY REALLY BAD on celestial movies and animal planet. Not to fully flame astro. (i think i did that already on the phone). I will probably maintain my pillar box settings in future even if the stretch is restored, & use stretch only on the channels i'm complaining on.
Should AVR manufacturers remove the DPLII and DTS:Neo option because these are not the 'correct' way of listening to stereo material? I don't see how Astro, having cut the original 16:9 video to transmit in 4:3 have any right to tell us how to watch it. Why don't they transmit SD in 16:9 anyways?
• When it's done booting up, this is what you see. Just press the Power button on the decoder, or your Astro Byond remote control and the decoder will start working with the new firmware! As you can see, updating your Astro Byond decoder's firmware really isn't that hard.
In your case I'm not sure which top box you are using, bcos my latest PVR top box is work either coaxial or optical when hdmi working. The coaxial sound is way little soft, optical work much better. Only that Gotcha is the sound noise on most the HD channel. Hi I'm new to astro service, so that I'm not sure are this common: I've subscribe astro super pack 3 HD service, today just get the installation done, my set up is, pvr decoder link to full hd tv with their hdmi cable, pvr decoder digital out link to Yamaha av receiver with optical cable. After done, decoder setting to switch to (digital only), my receiver showing dolby digital with 6 channel of audio come in, the dolby digital audio is much better in quality and dynamic range, however most of the hd channel produce audio noise, as tried the discovery, sports, F1, astro on demand, the noise sound is low to medium depend on channel, it was very disturbing, I would like to ask is there anybody having the same problem? Do they have any solution? I've tried with another digital optical cable, tried another coaxial cable, (I have complete cable of all these mess.) both having same problem.
Pro-Stretch Guys - who i admire for fighting for their rights. I love this thread. Muahahahahahaha This post has been edited by CTU: Mar 16 2010, 03:35 AM. Sin No 1: Advertisements and commercials We have been sold and told that there would not be any kind of TV commercials since we are paying for the programmes we are watching. Since the launching of Astro, you will notice that more and more TV commercials have been put into our living rooms.
It will then say 'Upgrade OK'. Should take about 3-4 minutes in total. I found out how to upgrade the firmware using a PS3. You must change the settings of both the sound and music of the PS3.
Please note that you may change your preferred viewing setting via the menu as follows. Home > Settings > Installation Settings > key in 0000 (default) > press ok > change setting either ‘Zoom” or “Pillar box’. Should you have any other enquiries, kindly contact our Contact Centre at 13 which is operational from 8.00 am to 12.00 midnight daily or email to
Hamas, i think you are not clear why most of us feel upset. 1) astro took away the strecth option away 2) for Plasma owner, pillar box will damage the TV in the long run. You are the minority here, who like the pillar box. Good for you, but we just want back the stretch option, thats all. 3) dont tell me, just because we only going to be charged RM20, next month, we are not entitled to voice out our anger. We have a contract, before we sign on the dotted line, we were promised so much, but little so far to suggest Astro can deliver.
HOWEVER there still are concerns. Celestial Movies for one show almost all their shows in a letterbox format. This gives my tv a double border like look when it adds to pillar box. You can try this on animal planet as well. It reduces my screen to such a small size.letterbox plus pillar box.
But is this enuf for receiving hd content and dolby signal? That's a question. Update again. Although no one answering me.haha. I suspect the sample rate of my avr is setting wrong, it was receiving 48khz of those hd channel, I try to change it to 44.1khz, after go through the whole user manual of my avr yamaha rxv361, found that no way to change the sample rate, signal coming in at what rate then avr output what rate. As reading in my avr signal info: Format, dolby d Sample, 48khz Ch, 3/2/0.1 Bit rate, 384kbps After all these few days of studying, here's some fact: World Cup live hd have clear sound when match on going, then half time the astro guy come out talking, the sound have noise, and then second half begin, sound perfect.
• Now, prepare to press these two buttons alternately and in rapid succession to force the decoder into the Auto-Update mode. Do NOT press them yet. • First, power off the Astro Byond decoder completely. You can turn the power off, or pull out the power cable. • Count to ten after turning off the Astro Byond decoder, and then power it back on again. • When you see the display announce ' boot', alternate pressing the Power and ch+ buttons in rapid succession - roughly 2 presses per second.
CARE/008744/10 We refer to your e-mail with regard to Astro B.yond. Thank you for highlighting your concern to us. Rest assured that we have conveyed your feedback to the department in charge for their attention and consideration. We wish to take this opportunity to clarify that Astro B.yond has recently introduced the aspect ratio switch as part of a process change to enhance customers’ viewing experience on high definition television. Today, all flat panel/high definition televisions and HD content is transmitted on 16:9 aspect ratio which offers full screen viewing. On the other hand, SD channels are still broadcasted on 4:3 aspect ratio. This means that the standard definition channels images viewed on a flat panel television/high definition television will be pillar-boxed.
By all means, as of now we are enjoying free HD content, 5.1 digital audio, totally free new decoder, dish + wiring. Lot of people wrote and praise on the espn HD experience. Rather than labelling me as an astro backer etc, why not you compare on what you re getting and what you're losing. The main reason we are taking b.yond is HD content. I am not saying that you cannot complain, i am saying that lets be fair to them and wait for the next firmware update without getting emo. If you stretch from TV, everytime you have to switch input in order to have full screen.
Until then, lets be fair. Correct me if i am wrong. As of today, astro has yet to charge us on astro b.yond. And if you ve been using from jan, that means 3 month of free byond. We are still not paying the extra rm20 yet. So rather that you guys hentam or kasi cukup cukup or complain or marah or kasi ajar, it s better to be polite coz firstly its good manners and secondly you have not paid a single cent yet to them.lets be fair.
Software Update Download
If you have a 4:3 screen you'll be letterboxed, and that would be ok because everyone is used to letterboxing. This post has been edited by SiriuslyCold: Mar 14 2010, 10:01 PM. Yeah maybe ur right. But u should know not all people are same. Each one of us has own perspective.
Just receive mail from astro side, ask me to use hdmi at both side. My avr don't have hdmi input, well if their optical output won't work then why the hell they have it on their top box? And this didn't make sense bcos ps3 send out uncompressed PCM signal or dts signal around 1.5mbs through the optical with no problem. They just wanna get away from this mess, and nvr think about their source have bugs.

-> What the hell man? I get a plastic border (the tv shell) and also an on screen border and the show is freakishly small. Edit: And before any smart alec's start telling me to go zoom on such channels. I did that already and when i do. The subtitles get knocked off the screen (because they are in the letter box border. Switch to AV cable seems to be a stupid solution for just some channels. Not to say living.
To SKMM.wake up please.keep on eye to Astro take some action not warning and warning and warning and blah blah blah btw.go for fat.can see also 'fat' wakaka ps: already 'TARUK' kaw-kaw punye for Astro ( kasi ajar sket ) This post has been edited by honamd77: Mar 13 2010, 06:31 PM. Correct me if i am wrong. As of today, astro has yet to charge us on astro b.yond.
Sin No 7: Unfair programme package Ever notice how packages are being grouped? We, as subscribers, are not given a free hand to choose which programme we like to see. We are being shoved programmes we don't like just because we choose certain channels and other channels are being 'thrown' in. Posted on Facebook Recently, Astro performed a software update download to deliver a consistent viewing experience for different aspect ratios.
Pay the stupid penalty, and get on with ur lives (that my plan anyway). Astro has been pulling a lot of crap these past years.Boxoffice suddenly started sucking. Then Kirana was removed now aruna.
Sin No 3: 'Services currently not available'! I am sure this is the dreaded punch-line all subscribers hate to see when their favorite programmes are interrupted due to 'bad weather'. This has been Astro's problem from the start and we don't see any effort being done to overcome or improve it. But then, they can say that there are always repeats and re-runs when services are resumed. Fine, then what about the 'live telecasts' that we missed? Finals like the 'All England' where a Malaysian is playing and capable of winning after seven years? Live football matches where we are being made to pay more?
So we are entitled to our own preference as to how we wanna watch our TV. What I know now is that I want the stretch function back, added to the present zoom and pillarbox.
Software Update Problem
Using this method, I managed to update the decoder to the latest v7.0 firmware. Check it out! Updating The Decoder's Firmware • Pull out your Astro Byond decoder from your TV cabinet. If you look at the lower left corner, you will see the small Power and ch+ buttons, next to the front USB port.
Rest assured that we have conveyed your feedback to the department in charge for their attention and consideration. We wish to take this opportunity to clarify that Astro B.yond has recently introduced the aspect ratio switch as part of a process change to enhance customers’ viewing experience on high definition television.
So I think look weird it not a issue to here. Like me, sometime I switch to pillar box when I not happy with the picture and mostly I convience watch in stretch mode. If astro want us strictly to watch the correct way I think they should remove zoom option at the first place. No more option to select aspect ratio right? While I agree that the purist way of watching 4:3 programmes is in pillar-box mode, I reserve the right to watch it the way I want to. As well there are purists in audio who think that they should not listen in multichannel because they only have two ears, yet I like running my 2-channel audio through Dolby Prologic II or DTS:Neo.
Astro Byond Software Update Error
She finally gave up and asked me for my number because i kept pestering her for some one who cane let me know how or when this will be rectified. A guy called me 30 minutes later apologizing for the problem and said that he couldn't give any date due to the weekends and the managment won't have any meetings till monday. But he said the strech will be restored and due to the number of complaints he said it will be sooner rather then later. He also promised to call me back on monday with an update because i said if they are gonna take 2 ~ 3 months to rectify this i want them to come and take this decoder, shove it up their asses and give me my old decoder back. All i can say is keep calling astro (i plan to call again tomorrow) seems like they are under pressure. If not, then just terminate byond.